Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the DRC’s mailing address?
- How do I become a Mediator?
- To whom should I address my application for certification?
- To whom should I address my application for renewal?
- What is the fax number?
- What is the job market like for [insert certification of interest] mediators in [insert location of interest]? How much are mediators paid?
- How do I change my address/contact information on file?
- Where can I get training to become a certified mediator?
- Is there an inactive status for mediator certification?
- In which area am I certified?
- What is my mediator number?
- What are the CME requirements?
- When is my renewal date?
- Do I need to send in additional supporting documentation with my CME Form when I submit my renewal information?
- What if I cannot complete my CME before my renewal date?
- What happens if I do not complete the required CME?
- What happens if I file a late application for renewal?
- I am a mediator with multiple areas of certification; do I need 16 CME hours for each certification area?
- How much CME credit have I already earned?
- I just completed a CME program. Where do I send the information to get credit for it?
- Will this (fill in the blank) count for my CME?
- How do I know which CLE (Continuing Legal Education) courses apply for my mediator education, too?
- Do continuing education hours for other professions count towards fulfillment of the CME requirement?
- Do college level courses qualify for CME?
- What counts towards the ethics requirements in CME?
- What counts as interpersonal violence CME?
- If I am already a certified mediator and I complete a mediation certification training course in a different area of certification, can I use that program to count toward my current certification?
- Do audio recordings expire? I found tapes from 200(X); can I use them for my current CME cycle?
- How many hours of mentoring can I count as CME?
What is the DRC’s mailing address?
Dispute Resolution Center
Supreme Court Building
500 South Duval Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
To whom should I address my application for certification?
Attn: Mediator Certification
To whom should I address my application for renewal?
Attn: Mediator Renewal
What is the fax number?
(850) 922-9290
What is the job market like for [insert certification of interest] mediators in [insert location of interest]? How much are mediators paid?
Please consult your local mediation program director or speak with mediators from your area. Programs, job market and fees/salaries vary across the state.
How do I change my address/contact information on file?
Please send your request in writing, including your old address/phone number and the new one. You may fax: (850-922-9290), mail: (500 S. Duval Street Tallahassee, FL 32399) or email: the change.
Where can I get training to become a certified mediator?
Read through the information on training and mentorship requirements and then choose a certified mediation trainer.
Is there an inactive status for mediator certification?
Yes, there is an inactive status for mediator certification. The Operating Procedures Governing Mediator Certification includes the following provisions:
- A mediator may elect to be placed on inactive status at any time during a current renewal cycle, and no more than 90 days post-renewal date, by filing an inactive request form. A mediator may claim an inactive status for no more than five years from the filing of their inactive request form. See Inactive Status Application
. Mediators are not entitled to refer to themselves as Florida Supreme Court certified mediators.
- A mediator seeking to change status from inactive to certified must file: a renewal form; renewal fee(s); completed CME form reflecting 16 hours of continuing mediator education; and a reinstatement fee. Regardless of the amount of time a mediator is inactive, county mediators are subject to a $20 reinstatement fee, and all other mediators are subject to a $50 reinstatement per area of certification, but no more than a maximum fee of $150.
- A mediator who elects inactive status during a current renewal cycle is not eligible for a refund of any portion of the renewal fees. A mediator who is inactive less than one year is not subject to reinstatement fees.
- A mediator who does not renew certification(s) by the end of the five-year inactive status is required to meet all requirements for initial certification.
In which area am I certified?
There are one or more letters at the end of your mediator number. These letters indicate your area of certification. Code: C=County, F=Family, R=Circuit, D=Dependency, and A=Appellate.
What is my mediator number?
To find your mediator number, use the mediator search function available on our web page. Type in your name ( last or first only ) and you will find your mediator number, renewal date, and contact information. If you are unable to find your name, please contact the DRC for assistance.
What are the CME requirements?
Certified Mediators must complete a minimum 16 hours of Continuing Mediator Education (CME) in each area of which they are certified including the following sub-requirements:
- 4 hours of Mediator Ethics,
- 2 hours of Interpersonal Violence, and
- 1 hour of Diversity/Cultural Awareness *.
- 4 hours of Mediator Ethics,
- 4 hours of Interpersonal Violence *, and
- 1 hour of Diversity/Cultural Awareness *.
- Appellate mediators automatically fulfill their CME requirements by reporting 16 hours in their family, circuit, or dependency certifications.
*Does not have to be specific to mediation.
When is my renewal date?
To find your renewal date, use the mediator search function available on our web page. Type in your name ( last or first only ) and you will find your mediator number, renewal date, and contact information. If your name does not appear using the mediator search function you have not yet been certified or you have allowed your certification to lapse.
Do I need to send in additional supporting documentation with my CME Form when I submit my renewal information?
Mediators are not required to submit back up documentation for their CME activities unless they have been selected for audit. Therefore, you must maintain the required documentation, and send in the required materials ONLY if you have been notified that you are being audited in this renewal cycle. If you are not under audit, please do not send in documentation.
What if I cannot complete my CME before my renewal date?
Send to the DRC your completed Application for Mediator Certification Renewal, and a check for your renewal fees (made out to the State of Florida ) along with a letter requesting a 90 day extension. All correspondence must be postmarked by your renewal date . The 90 day extension begins on your renewal date.
What happens if I do not complete the required CME?
Your certification will not be renewed until all renewal requirements, including CME, are completed.
What happens if I file a late application for renewal?
There is a 30 day grace period from your renewal date before any late fees apply. After day 30, there is a $100 late fee penalty for county mediators and a $250 late fee penalty for all other certifications. These fees are in addition to the standard renewal fees. A mediator may renew for up to five years from the date of lapse. An additional 2 hours of CME are required for each year lapsed.
I am a mediator with multiple areas of certification; do I need 16 CME hours for each certification area?
Mediators who are certified in more than one area are only required to obtain 16 hours of CME regardless of the number of certifications held.
How much CME credit have I already earned?
The DRC does not track CME hours for individual mediators over their two-year renewal cycle. All CME hours are reported by the mediator at the time of renewal.
I just completed a CME program. Where do I send the information to get credit for it?
Each mediator is responsible for keeping all the information pertaining to completed CME during the two-year cycle. You report the information on the CME Reporting Form at the time of your renewal, not as you earn it. You can download the CME Reporting Form from our website.
Will this (fill in the blank) count for my CME?
For a program to qualify for CME, it shall “have a significant intellectual or practical content and shall constitute an organized program of learning directly related to the practice of mediation.” CME courses are not “pre-approved” for credit by the DRC. If the course meets the definition for CME, then it will qualify.
How do I know which CLE (Continuing Legal Education) courses apply for my mediator education, too?
See our Guide to Counting CLE as CME.
Do continuing education hours for other professions count towards fulfillment of the CME requirement?
Yes, provided the course meets the definition for CME and the subject matter attended is applicable to your area of mediator certification.
Do college level courses qualify for CME?
Yes, IF applicable to the practice of mediation. Each 50 minutes of attendance qualifies for one CME hour.
What counts towards the ethics requirements in CME?
Presentations that relate to ethical considerations in the field of mediation and constitute the focus of the presentation will count (generally will contain 'ethics' in the title). Legal/lawyer ethics DO NOT apply for mediator ethics.
What counts as interpersonal violence CME?
Interpersonal violence education includes the following subject matter: domestic violence; stalking; repeat violence; dating violence; child abuse; child neglect; abuse of vunerable adults; human trafficking; animal cruelty; workplace violence; physical and emotional safety and security; trauma informed responses; suicide prevention, awareness and risk factors; and self-harm (not suicidal).
If I am already a certified mediator and I complete a mediation certification training course in a different area of certification, can I use that program to count toward my current certification?
Yes, if there are 16 hours of material applicable to that area of certification. There usually are, but you should look over the program materials or talk to your training provider for more information or a breakdown of hours.
Do audio recordings expire? I found tapes from 200(X); can I use them for my current CME cycle?
Audio recordings do not automatically expire, but they must still meet the definition of CME to qualify. Thus, if the content is no longer relevant the tape should not be used. What matters is when you listen to the tapes. The date of listening must be within your two year renewal cycle.
How many hours of mentoring can I count as CME?
Mediators can claim up to eight hours of mentoring CME in each renewal cycle. Mentoring hours cannot be used for mediator ethics, interpersonal violence, or diversity/cultural awareness hours.
Contact the DRC
For additional information please contact the Dispute Resolution Center at 850-921-2910 or at